ACMS Updates

The following info was recently sent to members of the ACMS.

1. 2023 Joint Math Meetings Reception – ACMS will once again be hosting a reception at JMM. The reception will be from 6-7:30 PM on Thursday, January 5th at the Marriott Copley Place, Salon G . Karl-Dieter Crisman (Gordon College) will be our guest speaker and his talk will be from 6:30-7 PM. At the conclusion of his talk, we will break out into small groups for dinner and discussion at various local restaurants. Please contact ACMS Vice President Kristin Camenga with any questions.

Abstract for Karl-Dieter Crisman’s talk:

Mersenne Matters: Mathematics, Music, Monotheism, and More

Marin Mersenne is usually considered, when he is considered at all in mathematics, in one of two ways. Either he is the inspiration for the latest newly discovered (and enormous) “Mersenne Prime,” or he is the interlocutor who helped induce Fermat and Descartes to properly, and “publically” discuss their methods of tangents.

But who was Mersenne, what did he do, and why does he matter? This talk will give an overview of his life and the important roles he played in the history of science and music, with many examples from his own writings. We’ll especially look into why a monk, from an order devoted to being the least of all, saw his explorations of things like pure mathematics and practical acoustics as being so closely related to his writings in defense of the faith.

2. Dues Updates and Price Changes – The board has voted to raise the annual price of dues from $20 annually to $30 annually. This change will take place March 1, 2023. You are welcome to pay your 2023 dues, as well as pay in advance for future years, at the current rate any time before March 1. If you have any questions regarding your current dues status, please contact ACMS Executive Secretary Mike Janssen.

3. Brabenec Lectureship – Dates and locations have been determined for the inaugural Brabenec Lectures to be given by Russ Howell. March 13-16 Russ will be making stops at Huntington, Taylor, and Indiana Wesleyan. March 23-24 Russ will be at Lee University. Thank you to all the schools who applied to host Russ. Look for an email in the new year (around February/March) providing details on Russ’s talks as well as an application/nomination process for the ’23-’24 Brabenec Lecturer. The board plans on a rough timeline of announcing the next lecturer around Memorial day, a mid-July deadline for schools to apply to host, and announcing the host schools in August. Again, look for more information starting in February/March of 2023. 

4. Application for Hosting the 2026 ACMS Conference – As we look forward to the 2024 conference at Dordt, we are beginning the process of accepting applications for a 2026 host. Please complete this form if you are interested in hosting. In keeping with the geographic rotation of each conference (APU 2022 – west, Dordt 2024 – central), preference will be given to schools considered “east.”

5. Consider Donating to ACMS – please consider donating to ACMS. ACMS is now recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit and can offer the tax benefit of donations. Visit us online and click the “Donate to ACMS” button on the right hand side bar.

Happy 2023!

Happy new year to everyone who still visits this site! It has been a long time since I have posted regular updates and my plan/resolution is for that to change in the new year. The reality is that I started this site/blog as a way to process my own thoughts on the integration of Christian faith and mathematics as someone wrapping up seminary who had an undergraduate degree in mathematics. I was wrestling with how my love of God and love of math went hand in hand. I have by know means “figured it out” but I believe I have grown a lot since those early days. At the very least I have had the opportunity to live out what were once just conceptions in my mind:

  • I have been blessed to work at a Christian school for the past decade and to lead the entire K-12 math program for the past few years. The time I haven’t spent writing here has been been spent putting ideas into action at my school – writing curriculum, crafting philosophy and vision statements, training and leading teachers, engaging with students and parents, etc. I hope in 2023 to do a better job of sharing more of the things we do at school here in this space.
  • I have been blessed to take the lead as the president of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences. So again, a lot of the energy I might normally put toward writing here has been directed elsewhere. We are currently in the process of revamping the ACMS website. I hope that it will become a landing spot for those seeking resources on the integration of faith and mathematics much like this site has been in the past (and maybe still is?).
  • Finally, I have actually been asked to write a book on faith and mathematics! This came as quite a (pleasant) surprise. I had always envisioned writing a book, but never thought a publisher would come seeking me out. Needless to say, this is yet another venture that will take my time away from here. However, I hope to process my book writing on here this year. The daunting part of writing a book, at least for me, is its (seeming) finality. The words and sentences need to be perfect – at least in my mind. The reality is that I just need to sit down and start writing and for some reason it feels easier to that here.

I hope to share more of what I have been working on and once again post and update this site regularly.

I’m excited to see what this new year brings!

Micah 6:8 Mathematics – ACMS 2022 Conference Talk


This presentation will unpack how the discipline of mathematics, rightly understood in a Christian context, equips students to do justice, love kindness, and walk in humility with God (Micah 6:8). This presentation will expand on the experience of Regents School of Austin in shaping the philosophy of its mathematics program around several key works: Math for Human Flourishing, Citizen Math, Building Thinking Classrooms, and Beauty for Truth’s Sake. Several practical examples from the Regents curriculum will be shared to demonstrate how the ideal of integrating faith and Christian service into the math classroom becomes a reality that is meaningful for students.


Link to presentation slides

Regents Documents:

Regents Math Department Philosophy

Regents Math Catechism (blog post on catechism in the classroom) (videos of students reciting)


Mathematics for Human Flourishing

Building Thinking Classrooms

Citizen Math

Beauty for Truth’s Sake

Something They Will Never Forget