
Alphabetized by Author’s Last Name (with the exception of the first listing)

(Articles from the Journal of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences and the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, listed on the “Journals” page, can all be accessed for free through the respective journal’s website, and are not included on this page).

“The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences,” Eugene Wigner

Wigner observes that the mathematical structure of a physics theory often points the way to further advances in that theory and even to empirical predictions. He argues that this is not just a coincidence and therefore must reflect some larger and deeper truth about both mathematics and physics. This is a foundational article to the integration of math and theology, hence why it is mentioned first in the list.

Beerens, Dan: Integration of Christian Perspective into Math Teaching

Bishop, Steve: Mathematics and the Myth of Neutrality

Bishop, Steve: Beliefs Shape Mathematics

Boyer, Steven D. & Huddell III, Walter B.: Mathematical Knowledge and Divine Mystery: Augustine and his Contemporary Challengers

Byl, John: A Christian Perspective on Math

Geertsema, Jan: A Christian View of the Foundation of Statistics

Hay, John: Biblical Perspectives on Mathematics

Hartzler, H. Harold: “The Meaning of Mathematics”

Hilgeman, Tom: Integrating Math and the Bible

Huizenga, David: “Faith + Math,” from Christian School Teacher

Kvasz, Ladislav: “The Invisible Link Between Mathematics and Theology”

Luman, Brent: Principles for Teaching Mathematics from a Biblical Perspective

Nelson, Edward: “Mathematics and Faith”

Plantinga, Alvin: “On Christian Scholarship”

How should a Christian university and how should the Christian intellectual community think about scholarship and science? Should the kind of scholarship and science that go on at a Catholic university differ from the sort that goes on elsewhere? If so, in what way? Plantinga presents one sort of view–not with the thought that this is the whole and unvarnished truth, but as a contribution to our conversation.

Plantinga, Alvin: “Advice to Christian Philosophers”

In each area of serious intellectual endeavor the fundamental and often unexpressed presuppositions that govern and direct the discipline are not religiously neutral; they are often antithetic to a Christian perspective. In these areas then it is up to Christians who practice the relevant discipline to develop the right Christian alternatives. Plantinga pursues this primarily from his own discipline of philosophy, but the ideas translate into all areas of scholarship.

Poythress, Vern: “A Biblical View of Mathematics”

Poythress, Vern: “What does God have to do with Numbers?”

Poythress, Vern: “Mathematics as Rhyme”

Using the analogy between the universe and a choral poem, one may view mathematics as the “rhyme” of the universe. In that perspective new light is thrown on the unique subject matter of mathematics, the a priori character of its truths, and the relation of mathematics to other areas of knowledge. A route is thereby opened for richer use of creativity in mathematics.

Sellers, James: Biblical Integration in Mathematics: Why and How?

Strauss, Danie F. M.: Is Christian Mathematics Possible?

Westenberg, Wayne: Why Mathematics and Christianity?

Williams, Bill: A Mathematical Analogue for a Model of the Trinity

Zonnefeld, Valorie: Where is God in the Math Classroom?

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