Happy 2023!

Happy new year to everyone who still visits this site! It has been a long time since I have posted regular updates and my plan/resolution is for that to change in the new year. The reality is that I started this site/blog as a way to process my own thoughts on the integration of Christian faith and mathematics as someone wrapping up seminary who had an undergraduate degree in mathematics. I was wrestling with how my love of God and love of math went hand in hand. I have by know means “figured it out” but I believe I have grown a lot since those early days. At the very least I have had the opportunity to live out what were once just conceptions in my mind:

  • I have been blessed to work at a Christian school for the past decade and to lead the entire K-12 math program for the past few years. The time I haven’t spent writing here has been been spent putting ideas into action at my school – writing curriculum, crafting philosophy and vision statements, training and leading teachers, engaging with students and parents, etc. I hope in 2023 to do a better job of sharing more of the things we do at school here in this space.
  • I have been blessed to take the lead as the president of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences. So again, a lot of the energy I might normally put toward writing here has been directed elsewhere. We are currently in the process of revamping the ACMS website. I hope that it will become a landing spot for those seeking resources on the integration of faith and mathematics much like this site has been in the past (and maybe still is?).
  • Finally, I have actually been asked to write a book on faith and mathematics! This came as quite a (pleasant) surprise. I had always envisioned writing a book, but never thought a publisher would come seeking me out. Needless to say, this is yet another venture that will take my time away from here. However, I hope to process my book writing on here this year. The daunting part of writing a book, at least for me, is its (seeming) finality. The words and sentences need to be perfect – at least in my mind. The reality is that I just need to sit down and start writing and for some reason it feels easier to that here.

I hope to share more of what I have been working on and once again post and update this site regularly.

I’m excited to see what this new year brings!

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