

Journal for the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation

Theology and Science, The Journal of The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011 is devoted entirely to the topic of Theology and Mathematics



Journal of Holistic Mathematics Education

cover_issue_84_en_us – From the website: JOHME is an online scientific journal designated as a medium for communication among redeemed Christian scholars who practice  the integration of faith and learning based on a broader and holistic understanding of the Bible’s Grand Narrative as the ultimate telos of all education curriculum, including mathematics education.

.Classis, Journal of the Association of Classical Christian Schools

classis2012 Volume XIX Winter is devoted to teaching mathematics from a distinctly Christian perspective

SCL Journal, Journal of the Society for Classical Learning

SCL Fall 2013 - FINAL2013 Fall Volume VI is devoted to teaching math from a classical Christian perspective

Science and Christian Belief (also publishes math related articles)

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